Monday, August 11, 2014

For healthy life and preventing mosquito bite…Here is what I do!!

Ok, so Jungle Forumla requested my views about their product and their #FightAgainstMosquitoes. Here is what I think.

As a homemaker and a working professional, I feel it is necessary to keep updating yourself on health related information. Healthy living has become important in today’s time. With pollution, adulteration in food items and drinks, it has become difficult to survive a world of good health.

As a foodie, I know the value of living a healthy life. Interesingly, a few days ago, an article published in the newspaper caught my attention. “Dengue death toll shoots up” – This gave me a sudden panic attack.

A few months ago, a far off relative had fallen sick of malaria and very recently, an office colleague was heard to be diagnosed with chikungnya.  Indeed, we are living in a world where an insect bite can be the cause of someone’s death.

My husband and I are both working professionals. We keep traveling for work related purposes. During the time of the monsoon, one has to take special precaution against the rising attack of harmful mosquitoes.

My mother suggested me to use Jungle Forumla. I had heard the name for the first time, but it was a very popular insect repellent in the South. I read the details of the repellent spray carefully before applying it. The insect repellent factor indicated that it gives upto 8 hours of protection from mosquitoes and it is suitable for adults as well as children who are above 3 years of age.

People often complain to me that I become too obsessed with living an organized life. So much so, that one night my husband got scared when I suddenly woke up in the middle of the night and started spreading the insect repellent on him. We still laugh about the incident because he thought that I was some ghost and started to freak out, but on a serious note, it is important that we spread our awareness of healthy lifestyle.

Time and again, I have heard stories of people losing their lives because of unhealthy lifestyle and lack of proper prevention mechanism. Afterall, without health supporting me, I can never imagine to feel anything good about life.  Life has taught me a few lessons that I must take a notice of. Each and every death story reveals what kind of life should we live.

Death caused by the harmful bite of insects is very sad. We must #FightAgainstMosquitoes. You may never know that an insect can cause the harmful injury to your life from any possible source. 

You may be put up in a clean atmosphere, but if the windows are open, the insects can come and attack you. External environment can also be the cause of such diseases. 

Therefore, it is best suggested that take your time off and shop for healthy products.

PS: Talking of the popularity, here is something I must share :-D. Good luck team @jungle_formula

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