Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Story of my marriage - Mederma Experience

Mederma here's my story about my wedding, the most awaited and huge event of my life.

"Your face encompasses the beauty of the whole earth";  I read these lines somewhere and precisely that was what I wanted to look like on my wedding day.  As any other girl I wanted to look the best and shine like a star.  But there was a scar on my face, a blemish to scatter my dream.  I was in low spirits.

But then I saw this ad of Mederma on national television and conseqently bought the cream to test if that works for me as well.  I used the cream and the healing  period was the most difficult phase of my life as I trusted Mederma.  My scar could have got worse and damaged my skin. It would be a nightmare then.

After using the cream for few weeks I see that the scar actually has gone.  I couldn't believe that I could regain my confidence.  Finally on the D day I was looking stunning;  all my friends and relatives were astounded to see no scar but only a star.  That was a new beginning in my life and thanks to Mederma for recouping my happiness and credence that I am beautiful.

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